Associazione Festival della Scienza has been established in 2003 as a non-profit organization for the promotion and dissemination of science and technology to the large public. All initiatives promoted by the association aim to popularize and diffuse the scientific culture, encouraging scientific education and research, training of researchers, create the public awareness and increasing the volume of scientific knowledge in order to stimulate the interest of policy makers towards investment of resources in science and technology. Members of the Association are CNR (National Research Council), that is also the charter member, Chamber of Commerce of Genoa, Municipality of Genoa, Confindustria Genova, Costa Edutainment, INAF (National Astrophysical Institute), IIT (Italian Institute of Technology, INFN (National Nuclear Physics Institute), Liguria Regional Authorities, Sviluppo Genova, Genoa University, Centro Fermi – Historical museum of physics and research center Enrico Fermi.
The Association is member of the most important networks of research entities and science dissemination bodies such as:
Euscea – European Science Events Association
Ecsite – European Network of Science Centres and Museums
The association has been directly involved in the EU project WONDERS, a European science marathon where each country shared events with others all over the Europe, 2WAYS- Communicating Life Science Research; an European projects of life sciences and PLACES, an EU project that aimed to promote a three-way conversation between science, policy makers and society in Europe.
Among the partnerships between the Association and EUSCEA – European Science Events Association, Festival della Scienza hosted in Genova “2 Ways – Communicating Life Science Research ”, an event supported by the European Community inside the Science & Society Program of 7PQ.
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